RECAPACITA PROJECT: Impact of the New York Convention on capacity modification judgments in persons with severe mental disorders: A comparative study using mixed methodology


Marcó-García Silvia123ORCID,Ribas-Muñoz Natalia1,Guilera Georgina34,Balsells-Mejía Sol5,Huerta-Ramos Elena126


1. Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain

2. Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Severe Mental Disorders (MERITT), Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute, Sant Joan de Déu Foundation, Barcelona, Spain

3. Department of Social Psychology and Quantitative Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

4. Group of Invariance Studies for the Measurement and Analysis of Change in the Social and Health Environments (GEIMAC), Institute of Neurosciences (UBNeuro), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

5. Research Promotion and Management Department. Statistical Support, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (HSJD), Barcelona, Spain

6. Biomedical Research in the Mental Health Network (CIBERSAM), Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid, Spain


In 2013, Spain aligned its capacity modification processes (CM) legislation with the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, specifically for individuals with severe mental disorders (SMD). The reforms replaced incapacity verdicts with support provision and introduced the term “CM”. However, the social impact of these changes remains uncertain. The RECAPACITA project was initiated to generate knowledge on SMD and CM, and this study aims to investigate modifications in CM sentences and associated terminology. Using a qualitative-quantitative methodology, content analysis was conducted on 56 sentences from individuals with SMD. Terminology analysis utilized 19 sentences to achieve information saturation. A comparison was made between sentences prior to 2013 and those spanning 2014 to 2023, analyzing the data through ANOVA and Bonferroni tests (significance level: 0.05). The analysis revealed that psychiatric illness, its evolution, lack of self-governance, and economic management were frequently mentioned aspects in the sentences. However, no significant correlations were found. Qualitatively, mentions of self-governance were more prevalent in sentences before 2013. Conversely, after 2013, there was an increased focus on substances use, lack of insight and medical adherence, and the need for support in daily life. The term “incapable person” appeared in 100% of the sentences, indicating no differences in terminology. The study suggests that current CM sentences provide increasingly individualized information, addressing the specific support needs of individuals. To enhance future legal proceedings, incorporating neuroscience in studying SMD individuals and reconsidering terminology based on Convention guidelines is recommended.


Instituto de Salud Carlos III


SAGE Publications


Law,Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

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