1. Mississippi State University
This study investigates the highly original theories about the origins of human violence developed by the physicist Gérard Gouesbet and the Franco-Mauritian writer J. M. G. Le Clézio. Both authors pinpoint the indifferent, cosmic forces that conceived all life as the hidden source of human aggression. In Violences de la nature and Terra Amata, Gouesbet and Le Clézio assert that the very act of existence itself is a violent struggle for survival. Although this biological parasitism is unavoidable due to the universal principles that govern life, both writers urge global society to deviate from its current path. In their biocentric reflections related to the absurdity of the human condition, Gouesbet and Le Clézio contend that we must find a way to end this ‘world war’ and to limit our incessant acts of aggression against the remainder of the cosmos.