A Cross-Cultural Study of Parental Conflict and Eating Disorders in a Non-Clinical Sample


Mujtaba Tamjid,Furnham Adrian


Previous British studies have found that EAT scores of second generation British Asian schoolgirls are higher than those of White schoolgirls (Furnham & Husain, 1999; McCourt & Waller, 1995; Mumford et al., 1991), and that these scores are positively associated with parental over-protection (Furnham & Hussain, 1999). This study looked at the relationship between parental conflict and parental over-protection and EAT scores in three cultures. The three groups, all of late adolescent females, were British Caucasians ( N=116), immigrant British Asians from Pakistan ( N=118), and Pakistanis tested in Pakistan ( N=114). A 22 item conflict questionnaire was constructed and administered to 355 participants, along with the PBI, EAT-26, and Body Shape Belief Scale (BSBS). It was predicted that the British Asians would have higher EAT, parental protection and conflict scores than the other two groups. It was also predicted that EAT scores would be highly correlated with conflict scores. All hypotheses were supported, and over-protection scores were noticeably highest in the British Asian group. They also had a significant amount of more conflict with parents than any of the other cultural groups. EAT scores were associated with conflict and over-protection. Results are discussed in terms of the literature in the field.


SAGE Publications


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference40 articles.

1. Eating attitudes among Asian schoolgirls: The role of perceived parental control

2. Psychiatry in Iraq

3. Bruch, H. (1977) Psychological antecedents of Anorexia Nervosa, in: R.A. Vigersky (Ed.) Anorexia Nervosa, pp. 1-10, New York, Raven press .

4. Anorexia Nervosa in a Group of Asian Children Living in Britain








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