Students Engaging in Public Health Research: An Opportunity to Enhance Education


Hughes M. Courtney1ORCID,Afrin Sadia1


1. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA


Society is on the heels of one of the largest public health crisis the world has experienced in over a century, the COVID-19 pandemic. Developing the next generation of adept public health researchers is paramount to protecting the world against future health threats and addressing legacy public health challenges. This article explores the transformative influence of research experience on education, presenting three major points: (1) students engaging in public health research is timely, (2) students can develop a variety of critical thinking skills and data-driven decision-making capabilities that prepare them for future careers, and (3) faculty and universities benefit from the collaboration and community that student research fosters. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more students have been interested in a career in public health, with many students also eager to help address health disparities, a reality highlighted during the pandemic. This article puts forth the value of student engagement in public health research from the student and faculty member’s perspectives. The student lens includes the connection between research and developing greater public health interest, a sense of ethical responsibility, and an attitude of open-mindedness. The faculty lens considers the value of skill-building for students and the benefits of increased academic community-building, greater research productivity, and mutual learning potential for both students and faculty. The article includes specific recommendations for faculty to incorporate research into their student training. It concludes by advocating for institutional and community support to encourage student engagement in research and prepare the next generation of public health professionals and researchers.


SAGE Publications


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health







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