This article presents a new, RELIC (Real Love In Context) theory of love. The theory contains three subtheories. Two of them constitute an endosystem, or inner system of love. The triangular theory, an interpersonal theory, describes love in term of the intimacy, passion, and commitment one feels toward another person. The theory of love as a story, an intrapersonal theory, describes stories that characterize one’s ideal depiction of what love should and potentially could be. The third, extrapersonal subtheory constitutes an ecosystem, or outer system of love. Drawing on the work of Urie Bronfenbrenner, it describes five hierarchically nested environmental systems (microsystem, mesosystem, exosytem, macrosystem, chronosystem) in which love is embedded and that continually affect the love one feels for another. The forces of the ecosystem act upon the endosystem in ways that can bring couples (or larger groups) together or drive them apart.