1. Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824
2. Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007
Mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with collision-activated dissociation (CAD) was utilized to unequivocally distinguish 1,3-indandione rodenticides in 2 cases of anticoagulant toxicosis. Anecdotal evidence provided by the veterinarian in a case involving feedlot cows and physical evidence at the site of occurrence in a similar case involving lambs strongly implicated diphenadione (diphacinone; DP) in both instances. However, high performance liquid chromatography indicated chlorophacinone (CP), not DP, was present in the blood samples obtained from both cows and lambs. Intact 1,3-indandiones exhibit poor gas chromatographic properties, so procedures were developed for analysis by MS/MS using a direct exposure probe for sample introduction. The EI mass spectra of DP and CP contained a base peak at m/z 173, with molecular ions (M+) at m/z 340 and m/z 374 (Cl isotope cluster), respectively. Corresponding MS/MS CAD parent ion spectra of m/z 173 showed an ion of m/z 340 for DP and 374 (Cl cluster) for CP. CAD analysis of the blood extracts showed a parent ion scan of m/z 173 identical to that of CP, with the m/z 374 (Cl cluster). (Additional evidence was obtained by MS/MS examination of the CAD daughter ion spectrum of m/z 374.) Blood extracts from the affected animals revealed CAD daughter ion spectra for m/z 374 identical to that of reference CP. Positive confirmation of CP in both cases led to identification of the source of the toxicant and prevention of further animal exposures.
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