Molecular evidence for vaccine-induced canine distemper virus and canine adenovirus 2 coinfection in a fennec fox


Tamukai Kenichi12345ORCID,Minami Shohei12345,Kurihara Rio12345,Shimoda Hiroshi12345,Mitsui Ikki12345,Maeda Ken12345,Une Yumi12345


1. Den-en-chofu Animal Hospital, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Tamukai)

2. Laboratory of Veterinary Microbiology, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan (Minami, Shimoda)

3. Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Azabu University, Kanagawa, Japan (Kurihara)

4. Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology, Okayama University of Science, Imabari, Ehime, Japan (Mitsui, Une)

5. Department of Veterinary Science, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Maeda)


A 61-d-old fennec fox ( Vulpes zerda), 11 d after receiving a multivalent, modified-live virus vaccine containing canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus 2 (CAdV-2), parainfluenza virus, parvovirus, and canine coronavirus, developed oculonasal discharge, and subsequently convulsions, and hemoptysis, and died. Microscopic changes in the cerebrum were evident, including neuronal degeneration and necrosis; intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed in astrocytes. CDV was detected in the brain tissue by immunohistochemistry. Pulmonary lesions of multifocal necrotizing bronchopneumonia had Cowdry type A intranuclear inclusions in the bronchial epithelial cells. Electron microscopy revealed crystalline arrays of adenovirus-like particles within the intranuclear inclusions. Additionally, the hemagglutinin gene of CDV and the CAdV-2 DNA polymerase gene were detected in the fennec fox; sequence analysis showed 100% identity with those of the vaccine strain viruses. To our knowledge, vaccine-induced CDV and CAdV-2 coinfections using molecular analysis have not been reported previously. Therefore, vaccine strains should be considered prior to CDV vaccination in nondomestic carnivores.


Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development


SAGE Publications


General Veterinary







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