1. Cardiology Department, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center Athens, Greece
2. Molecular Immunology Laboratory, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center Athens, Greece
3. Internal Medicine Department, Kimi General Hospital, Kimi, Greece
4. Cardiology Department, Tzanio Hospital, Pireus, Greece
5. Orthopedic and Urologic Departments, NIMTS, Athens, Greece
6. Cardiology Department, Athens Euroclinic, Athens, Greece
7. Department of Cardiology, Kostantopoulio Geniko Nosokomio Neas Ionias, Partarthima Kaftatzoglou, Athens, Greece
8. Department of Cardiology, Sotiria Hospital, Athens, Greece
9. Second Propedeutic Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippocration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece