Fluoroquinolone Use Preceding Visceral Artery Dissection: A Case Series


Wang Louise Z.1,Oehmichen Boris1,Pariente Benjamin2,Mohamedi Nassim1,Cheng Charles1,Detriche Grégoire1,Galloula Alexandre1,Lilo Le Louet Agnès3,Messas Emmanuel14,Amar Laurence24,Goudot Guillaume14ORCID,Mirault Tristan14ORCID


1. Vascular Medicine Department, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, APHP, Paris, France

2. Hypertension Center, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, APHP, Paris, France

3. Pharmacovigilance Center, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, APHP, Paris, France

4. Université Paris Cité, INSERM U970 PARCC, Paris, France


Fluoroquinolones (FQ), commonly prescribed antibiotics, may trigger aortic and carotid dissections. We report three successive cases of visceral artery dissection: one patient with celiac trunk dissection and two with dissection of the superior mesenteric artery. These events occurred up to 4 months after 7 to 14 days of FQ treatment (2 cases of ofloxacin, 1 of norfloxacin). There was no other apparent cause of dissection. These dissections were isolated, apart from a minimal aortic dissection separate from the visceral arterial dissection in one case. A case series cannot certify the relationship between dissection and FQ, but it can be hypothesized. The association between fluoroquinolone use and higher occurrence of aneurysm and dissection remains discussed in aortic syndrome. The potential link between FQ and visceral artery dissection is even less described but should be reported in the absence of previous cases in the literature. The pathophysiological theory is the induction of overexpression of some matrix metalloproteinases and a decrease of their inhibitors, provoking a dysregulation in collagen synthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix.


SAGE Publications


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine








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