1. Lev, M.: The pre-excitation syndrome: anatomic consideration of anomalous A-V pathways , in L. S. Dreifus, W. Likoff and J. H. Moyer (eds.): Mechanisms and Therapy of Cardiac Arrhythmias, p. 665. Grune & Stratton, New York, 1966.
2. James, T.N.: Identification of the supraventricular arrhythmias: the specialized conducting tissue of the atria, in L. S. Dreifus, W. Likoff and J. H. Moyer (eds.), Mechanisms and Therapy of Cardiac Arrhythmias, p. 97. Grune & Stratton, New York, 1966.
3. An Accurate, Clinically Practical System For Spatial Vectorcardiography
4. Comparison of Four Orthogonal Systems of Vectorcardiography
5. Vectorcardiographic Notation