Slow Coronary Flow: Pathophysiology, Clinical Implications, and Therapeutic Management


Chalikias George1,Tziakas Dimitrios1ORCID


1. Cardiology Department, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece


Coronary slow flow (CSF) is an angiographic phenomenon with specific epidemiologic characteristics, associated clinical presentation, and prognosis. Although patients with CSF are diagnosed as having “normal coronary arteries,” it seems appropriate to consider CSF as a distinct disease entity requiring specific treatment. The patient with CSF is usually male, smoker, obese, with a constellation of risk factors suggestive of metabolic syndrome. Unstable angina is the most common clinical presentation, with recurrent episodes of chest pain at rest associated with electrocardiographic changes often requiring readmission and reevaluation. Regarding definition and diagnosis, interventionists should first exclude possible “secondary” causes of CSF, use objective means for definition and then differentiate from other similar conditions such as microvascular angina. Although the phenomenon is generally benign, patients with CSF are severely symptomatic with recurrent episodes of chest pain and poor quality of life. Furthermore, acute presentation of the phenomenon is commonly life-threatening with ventricular tachyarrhythmias, conduction abnormalities, or cardiogenic shock. Acute treatment of CSF includes, but is not restricted to, intracoronary infusion of dipyridamole, adenosine, or atropine. Chronic management of patients with CSF encompasses dipyridamole, diltiazem, nebivolol, telmisartan, and/or atorvastatin associated with amelioration of angina symptoms, improved quality of life, and good prognosis.


SAGE Publications


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine







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