Management of Acute Nontraumatic Upper Limb Ischemia


Baguneid Mohamed,Dodd Dominic,Fulford Paul,Hadjilucas Yiannis,Bukhari Motassim,Griffiths Gareth,Chalmers Nicholas,Walker Michael,Walker M.G.1


1. Department of Vascular Surgery Manchester Royal Infirmary Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9WL England


A retrospective review of all patients presenting to a tertiary referral center with acute nontraumatic upper limb ischemia between January 1992 and June 1997 was under taken to examine the role of intraarterial thrombolysis in the management of such cases. Twenty-one patients were identified in the radiology and vascular surgery departments' registers. Twenty (95%) underwent angiography, demonstrating subclavian artery occlusion in four, axillary in two, brachial in 13, and one at the digital level. Intraarterial thrombolysis was attempted in 12 patients. There were three technical failures, all requiring embolectomy. Six had complete lysis and resolution of their symptoms. One patient had partial lysis but experienced no further rest pain. Thrombolysis was unsuc cessful in two cases with one subsequently requiring embolectomy and the other surgical bypass. Three patients had surgical intervention as their primary procedure with two favorable outcomes and one ending in above-elbow amputation. Five patients were treated conservatively with heparin, resulting in three partial and two full recoveries. One patient experienced complete resolution of symptoms with an intravenous prosta cyclin infusion. Both electrocardiograms (ECG) and echocardiograms (ECHO) were of limited diagnostic aid, and long-term warfarin anticoagulation was prescribed to all patients. There was no recurrence of upper limb ischemia at a median follow up of 18 months. Intraarterial thrombolysis is an effective first line treatment for acute nontrau matic upper limb ischemia in selected cases.


SAGE Publications


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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