1. Department of Angiology University of Basel Medical School University Hospital Petersgraben 4 CH-4031 Basel Switzerland
The aim of the study was to assess the influence of Buflomedil hydrochloride on collat eral function. Ten patients with isolated superficial femoral occlusions were investigated twice by duplex sonography with measurement sites at the common femoral artery (CF) and the popliteal artery (PA). After the second scan 200 mg of Buflomedil hydrochloride were infused; the infusion was followed by a third duplex examination. Endpoints assessed included the arterial diameter (DCF, DPA), the systolic peak velocity (Vmax), the mean velocity of the maximum envelope (Vmean m.e.), the intensity weighted time average mean velocity (Vmean i.w.), the maximum reverse flow velocity (Vrev), the end- diastolic velocity (Venddiast), the calculated volume flow (Q), the pulsatility and the resistance indices (PI, RI), and PI and RI based segmental damping factors (DFPI, DFRI). For the CF measurement site the infusion of Buflomedil hydrochloride resulted in a signif icant reduction in Vrev and PI (p < 0.05), whereas trends in the opposite direction (increase) were observed for both measures of Vmean and for Q (0.1<p<0.05). No significant changes were reported for the PA measurement site. DFPI numerically decrcased (0.1 <p<0.05). The pattern of changes suggest that Buflomedil hydrochloride induces collateral vasodilation and thus improves collateral function.
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine
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