Bioterrorism: Toxins as Weapons


Anderson Peter D.1


1. Forensic Pharmacologist, Private Practice, Adjunct Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Rhode Island, Randolph, MA, USA


The potential for biological weapons to be used in terrorism is a real possibility. Biological weapons include infectious agents and toxins. Toxins are poisons produced by living organisms. Toxins relevant to bioterrorism include ricin, botulinum, Clostridium perfrigens epsilson toxin, conotoxins, shigatoxins, saxitoxins, tetrodotoxins, mycotoxins, and nicotine. Toxins have properties of biological and chemical weapons. Unlike pathogens, toxins do not produce an infection. Ricin causes multiorgan toxicity by blocking protein synthesis. Botulinum blocks acetylcholine in the peripheral nervous system leading to muscle paralysis. Epsilon toxin damages cell membranes. Conotoxins block potassium and sodium channels in neurons. Shigatoxins inhibit protein synthesis and induce apoptosis. Saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin inhibit sodium channels in neurons. Mycotoxins include aflatoxins and trichothecenes. Aflatoxins are carcinogens. Trichothecenes inhibit protein and nucleic acid synthesis. Nicotine produces numerous nicotinic effects in the nervous system.


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference23 articles.

1. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare

2. US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Biological Toxins. Medical Management of Casualties Handbook. 6th ed. Frederick, MD: US Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, MD; 2005:166–203.

3. Aerobiology and Inhalation Exposure to Biological Select Agents and Toxins

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