1. Patient Prescription Information, Inc , 5N021 MungerRoad, Bartlett, IL 60103-3015
From a strategic 1962 article cataloging the imprints on tablets, capsules and softgels, the art of identification of solid medication dosage form has proceeded to where all prescription medications, including controlled substance, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, veterinary and homeopathic drug products must be imprinted. Imprints may be comprised of logos, numerical and/or alphabetical information. Imprints are electronically searchable by two computer programs, one of which provides graphics of logos. The public and health, law enforcement and teaching professionals have a need to know when a "stray" tablet or capsule is found what it is with a high degree of accuracy. Imprints may soon be on prescription labels and searchable through various websites on the internet.