1. Can Autism be Detected at 18 Months?
2. GREENSPAN, S. I. & WIEDER, S. (1997a) ‘An Integrated Developmental Approach to Interventions for Young Children with Severe Difficulties in Relating and Communicating’ , Zero to Three 17: 5-18 .
3. GREENSPAN, S. I. & WIEDER, S. (1997b) ‘Developmental Patterns and Outcomes in Infants and Children with Disorders in Relating and Communicating: A Chart Review of 200 Cases of Children with Autistic Spectrum Diagnoses’ , Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 1: 87-141 .
4. WIEDER, S. & GREENSPAN, S. I. (2001) ‘The DIR (Developmental, Individual- Difference, Relationship-Based) Approach to Assessment and Intervention Planning’ , Zero to Three 21: 11-19 .