1. Antiviral Clinic, Xi’an Eighth Hospital, Xi’an, China
Background Ainuovirine, as a third-generation non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor against HIV-1, is widely used in China. To evaluate its therapeutic efficacy and disadvantages, a comparative study based on Ainuovirine had been conducted. Method We investigated 199 people living with HIV-1 who received Ainuovirine (ANV)/lamivudine/tenofovir and 202 people living with HIV-1 who received Efavirenz (EFV)/lamivudine/tenofovir. Results After 48 weeks of therapy, ANV and EFV showed similar viral inhibitory effects. However, in the ANV group, more participants had CD4/CD8 ratios restored to the normal range, lower levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, relatively normal liver alanine aminotransferase, and fewer adverse events. Conclusion Therefore, due to its role in immune reconstitution, dyslipidemia, and safety, ANV may be a recommended option for people living with HIV-1.
Xi’an Science and Technology Bureau Innovation Capability Science and Technology Plan Project