1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
2. BBC Two (2021) Catching a Predator. Aired 6 October 2021 (accessed 20 April 2023).
3. BenHoareBell Solicitors (2020) Compensation due for victims of former Sunderland GP jailed for voyeurism. Available at https://www.benhoarebell.co.uk/compensation-due-for-victims-of-former-sunderland-gp-jailed-for-voyeurism/ (accessed 8 August 2023).
4. College of Policing (2021) Recognising and responding to vulnerability-related risks. Available at: https://assets.college.police.uk/s3fs-public/2021-11/Recognising-responding-vulnerability-related-risks-guidelines.pdf (accessed 8 August 2023).