Studies concerning the relationship of frequency of hospitalized schizophrenia to social class, caste, and sex carried out in India and Bangladesh usher in this section. Authors of these studies in Bangladesh are R. RAHMAN, and in India, K. BHASKARAN, B. M. SAXENA, and J. V. ANANTH; B. B. SETHI and S. S. NATHAWAT reporting from Lucknow compared a community sample with a sample of clinic patients regarding distribution and symptomatology of mental disorders. A discussion of their findings in sociocultural terms is offered. Few studies, if any, of spirit possession in India have been published. J. S. TEJA, B. S. KHANNA, and T. B. SUBRAHMANYAM fill this gap. Their aims were to study the phenomeno logical aspects of states of spirit possession in psychiatric patients and to compare the resulting findings with those of other workers in India and in other countries. A description of Ayurvedic medicine is given by G. OBEYESEKERE of Ceylon. His report is reviewed in psychoanalytic perspective by an Indian psychoanalyst.