1. University of Abertay,
Public opposition to the siting of telecommunications masts tends to focus on perceived health risks, yet scientific evidence suggests that mobile handsets may constitute more of a risk. This paradox is usually explained in terms of cognitive or communication deficit models that contain an implicit thesis of protest actor irrationality. Recent authors (e.g. Burgess, 2002, 2004; Taverne, 2005) have, however, been more explicit in arguing that such protests are an irrational reaction to media constructed fears and state mismanagement of techno-infrastructure modernization. Together these approaches form what we call the `New Irrational Actor Model'. Drawing on insights from social movements theor y and data from a 12-month case study of the campaign against Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) telecommunications masts in nor th-east Fife, we argue that contrar y to the `New Irrational Actor Model', the anti-mast protesters utilize multi-form modes of substantive and instrumental rational action.
Sociology and Political Science
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16 articles.