Stories of building friendships during long-term recovery from problematic substance use


Vigdal Mariann Iren12ORCID,Svendsen Thomas Solgaard2,Moltu Christian34,Bjornestad Jone53,Selseng Lillian Bruland1


1. Department of Welfare and Participation, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Sogndal, Norway

2. Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (KORFOR), Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway

3. Department of Psychiatry, District General Hospital of Førde, Førde, Norway

4. Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Førde, Norway

5. Department of Social Studies, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway


Background Building friendship is crucial for attaining and upholding recovery from problematic substance use. However, how people who have used substances problematically develop friendships needs to be investigated more from a first-person perspective. Aim To provide insight into how people in long-term recovery find meaning in their experience of building friendships. Method In semi-structured interviews, 17 people in recovery drew network maps and reflected on how friendships had developed during the long-term process. We analysed the narratives by way of a thematic narrative approach. Results Participants presented the friendship-formation process through four distinct storylines: (1) ‘I don’t make friends easily’; (2) overcoming barriers to building friendships; (3) ‘birds of a feather flock together’; and (4) ‘having “regular” friends makes me feel like an “average” person’. Conclusion People in long-term recovery from problematic substance use felt haunted and hindered by past experiences when building friendships. These experiences created a social divide between those who had experienced problematic substance use and those who had not. The valuable insights that social workers can gain from this study can support friendship development for people in long-term recovery on multiple levels. By understanding someone’s self-perceptions and their perspectives on others, social workers can engage with barriers when people in recovery enter social environments such as work. We emphasise the significance of a long-term approach to overcoming barriers to building new friendships.


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