1. University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Director of MH-RITES Center, Program Chair MH ACCESS Program and IEI Program, Houston, TX, USA
2. University of Texas at Arlington School of Social Work, Research Fellow MH-RITES Center, Arlington, TX, USA
3. University of New Hampshire Department of Social Work, Program Chair MH ACCESS Program and Research Fellow MH-RITES Center, Durham, NH, USA
4. University of Houston College of Technology, Program Chair IEI Program and Research Fellow MH-RITES Center, Houston, TX, USA
5. Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Center, Board Member MH-RITES Center, New York, NY, USA
6. University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Research Fellow MH-RITES Center, Houston, TX, USA
7. University of Houston-Downtown, Research Fellow MH-RITES Center, Houston, TX, USA
8. University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Research Affiliates MH-RITES Center, Houston, TX, USA