1. From the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine University of Queensland, Brisbane
A study was made of experimental poisoning of 10 sheep given powdered lantana leaf at 6g/kg and 12g/kg body weight after periods up to 96 hours of deprivation of food and water. Jaundice and photosensitization were evident in almost all animals after three days. At necropsy the most severely affected sheep showed necrosis of the liver and kidney, and pulmonary oedema. Less severely affected sheep showed vacuolar or hydropic degeneration of the hepatic peripheral parenchymal cells, bile ductule hyperplasia and slight portal cirrhosis while centrolobular cells remained normal. Myocardial necrosis and scarring were present in the hearts of some sheep. Hydropic and fatty degeneration of the tubular epithelium of the kidneys was seen in the acute phase and cast formation, occlusion and cystic dilatation of proximal tubules were present in the more chronic stages associated with dehydration.
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14 articles.