1. Aus dem Institut für Tierpathologie der Universität München (Vorstand: Professor Dr. Hans Sedlmeier)
The intrapulmonary injection of the sclerosing agent “Dondren”® in a dose of 0.1-0.4 ml in 150 rats results in progressive pulmonary fibrosis. In the early months following the injection there is proliferation of epithelium in the terminal bronchi and foam-cell pneumonia. Nine to twelve months postinjection, there is nodular pulmonary fibrosis, transformation of the alveolar epithelium, pulmonary emphysema and sclerosis of pulmonary blood vessels. The transformation of the alveolar epithelium has no tendency to become malignant. The designation of similar changes as adenomatosis is therefore not justified. The question whether proliferation of the epithelium in the terminal bronchioles can give rise to bronchiolar carcinoma is discussed.