1. Departamento de Psicología Social, Trabajo Social, Antropología Social y Estudios de Asia Oriental, Facultad de Psicología y Logopedia, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
The objective of the present study has been to assess the influence that the sex of the aggressor and the sex of participant have on the perception of three types of psychological violence in young couples. A total of 693 young people, ranging from 17 years to 25 years, were randomly assigned six different scenarios in which situations of psychological violence between young heterosexual couples were described and where the sex of the aggressor and the types of psychological violence varied. The results of our research revealed that differences in the perception of violence are observed based on the sex of the aggressor, the sex of the participant, and the type of psychological violence, independently, as well as in the interaction of the three variables. This result is relevant as it points to the need for further in-depth study into situations that could contribute to justifying violence.
Social Sciences (miscellaneous)