Concentrations of trichloroethylene and its metabolites in blood and urine after acute poisoning by ingestion


Yoshida M.1,Fukabori S.2,Hara K.2,Yuasa H.3,Nakaaki K.4,Yamamura Y.1,Yoshida K.1


1. Department of Public Health, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

2. ; Division of Work Environment and Occupational Health, The Institute for Science of Labour

3. Department of Acute Medicine, St. Marianna University School of Medicine

4. Department of Environmental Hygiene, College of Environmental Health, Azabu University


A 58-year-old man fell into a trichloroethylene reservoir bath head first, during a maintenance degreasing bath and accidentally ingested the solvent. Although he showed deep coma, chemical burns and pneumonia on admission, these symptoms gradually subsided. The concentrations of trichloroethylene (TRI) and its metabolites, trichloroethanol (TCE) and trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in blood and urine were measured during hospitalization. Eight hours after the accident, the concentrations ofTRI and its metabolites in serum were 31.4 μ g/ml TRI, 16.5 μg/ ml TCE and 79.5 μg/ml TCA. The serum TRI concentration decreased to 4.3 μg/ml on the following day. Elimination of TCE and TCA from serum occurred biphasically, the estimated half-lives of each metabolites being about 52.6 and 50.4 h in an initial fast phase and 268.3 and 277.2 h in a subsequent slow phase, respectively. Urinary TRI excretion persisted for the first 2 days. The urinary TCE and TCA excretions were longer than that of TRI with a biphasic decrease and the total amount of TCE excreted during the first 2 days was about two times that of TCA. The half-life of urinary TCE excretion (t½ 25.7 h) was shorter than that of TCA (t½ 52.1 h) in the fast phase but did no difference during the slow phase, with each half-time being about 166.3 h. The kinetics of TRI metabolites in blood and urine in this case were in slight agreement with the results following inhalation exposure previously reported in the literature.


SAGE Publications


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Toxicology,General Medicine

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