The application of an adaptive noninteracting controller to a motor-generator set


Gooder A.V.1,Swanick B.H.1


1. Department of Electrical and Control Engineering, Liverpool Polytechnic


Relatively few experimental applications of decoupling theory to actual systems are recorded in the literature. It was decided, therefore, to examine a practical system consisting of a motor-generator machine set controlled by thyristor amplifiers, and to apply a decoupling strategy with adaptive properties to this system. A mathematical model of the coupled system was produced and validated from open-loop steady-state and transient characteristics. The system equations were arranged in state-variable form, and a strategy for decoupling this linearised system was developed theoretically and later confirmed by analogue simulation and actual system tests. It was then necessary to extend this linearised model theory to obtain a generalised nonlinear control strategy in terms of the system output variables; the elements of the feedback and feedforward matrices were made to adapt to the nonlinear effects within the system. Satisfactory decoupling of the appropriate state variables, together with eigenvalue assignment, was achieved both from the analogue simulation of the motor-generator model (linear and nonlinear) and upon the system itself incorporating transducer and equipment design. The results of the work have been engineered into an actual decoupled, adaptive motor-generator machine set.


SAGE Publications



Reference12 articles.

1. Boksenbom, A.S. and Hood, R. 1950. 'General algebraic method applied to control analysis of complex engine types', NASA Rep, 980.

2. Decoupling in the design and synthesis of multivariable control systems







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