1. Security and the democratic scene: desecuritization and emancipation
2. Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo) (2020a) Kyukou yousei: Jyoui gedatsu ni hageshii iwakan, kyouiku genba kara hihan [Request to close school: A strong sense of discomfort with the top-down request, criticism from teachers and schools]. 2 March.
3. Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo) (2020b) Tai-Chuu Jirenma, taisaku gote: Nyuukoku seigen kyouka, Jimin karamo ‘shodou shippai no koe’ [Dilemma regarding China, infection control measures delayed: Tightening restrictions on entry into Japan, even the LDP criticized the failure of the government’s initial response]. 6 March.
4. Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo) (2020c) China turns to propaganda to right image in virus ‘war’. 9 March. Available at: http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13200419 (accessed 28 November 2020).
5. Asahi Shimbun (Tokyo) (2020d) I kara no kikoku, hatsu no kansen shingata korona [First confirmed infection of COVID-19 in a returnee from Italy]. 14 March.