1. K. Venkata Raman , 'United Nations Peacekeeping and the Future of World Order', in Henry Wiseman, ed. Peacekeeping: Appraisals and Proposals (New York, Pergamon, 1983), p. 372.
2. An excellent description of the various official proposals through the 1960s for a permanent peacekeeping force is given in Larry Fabian, Soldiers Without Enemies: Preparing the United Nations for Peacekeeping ( Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1971 ), pp. 73ff.
3. Fabian, Soldiers Without Enemies, p. 139.
4. Some INGO efforts at improving peacekeeping readiness were even attempted. The World Veterans Federation worked to improve the technical aspects of peacekeeping operations, but their efforts were quite shortlived. See Fabian, Soldiers Without Enemies, p. 212.