Hitchin E. R.,Holmes M. J.,Hutt B. C.,Irving S.,Nevrala D.
The CIBS Example Weather Year for Kew (1964/65) has been established1, and some reduced data published2, 3. The thinking behind the concept of an example weather year was presented by Holmes and Hitchin in 19744, since that time the process of selection has been formalised by a CIBS task group under the auspices of the Computer Applications Panel. Two more example years have been selected for areas represented by the Aldergrove and Eskdalemuir Meteorological stations. This paper presents these new years' describing how they were selected, how the data is to be interpreted and gives some general advice on obtaining suitable data from the meteorological office. The Example Weather Years' selected to date are: Kew Oct. 1964–Sept. 1965 Aldergrove Oct. 1977–Sept. 1978 Eskdalemuir Oct. 1970–Sept. 1971
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