2. Claremont Graduate University, CA, USA
English Learner-classified (ELC) students are one of the nation’s most marginalized student populations. One promising but understudied strategy to strengthen teaching of ELC students is teacher induction. This article examines the role of teacher induction in strengthening novice teachers’ EL-specific teaching knowledge and skills. Through a detailed analysis of induction in California, we find that the state has little external assurance that teachers who have undergone induction can meet ELC students’ unique and diverse needs. California’s decentralized, flexible, teacher-led induction may support teachers’ development of general teaching skills, but misses an opportunity to support teachers in an area where many of them struggle. The study raises other problematic issues around mentoring for equity such as monolithic views of ELC students, lack of timely and actionable information about language proficiency, and lack of guidance as to what constitutes acceptable evidence of competency teaching ELC students.
Stanford University and Policy Analysis for California Education
Fletcher Jones Foundation
Cited by
3 articles.