1. National University Institute Champollion, France
2. Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France
3. Angers University, France
4. TBS Business School, France
This article explores public innovations implemented by local authorities, which consider them as a key means of improving their performance in response to a restrictive context. The authors thus propose to grasp the impacts of these innovations in terms of perceived performance from a global and multidimensional point of view. Based on a quantitative study conducted among French local authorities, this research first presents the results obtained from a theoretical point of view, providing insight into the multiple impacts of implementing innovations within the public sector. Then, at the managerial level, the study identifies specific impacts for each type of public innovation, the aim being to structure the innovation portfolio of public organisations. Points for practitioners An increasing number of innovations are being introduced in the public sector. However, the impact of these innovations on public performance is often not assessed. That is why by focusing our research on French local authorities, we guide managers both in analysing this influence by distinguishing several types of innovation and performance, and in building a portfolio of innovations in line with the internal resources of their local authority, as well as the public service provided in response to the needs of the territory.
Public Administration,Sociology and Political Science
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6 articles.