1. Barella, A., Algunas nuevas distribuciones no gaussianas en el campo de la metrologia y la tecnologia textil, in "Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona," 3rd ep., vol. LIV, no 6, 1995, p. 925.
2. Comments on "Lint Cleaning Effect on Seed-Coat Fragment Size Distribution in Cotton"
3. Further Comments on "Lint Cleaning Effect on Seed-Coat Fragment Size Distribution in Cotton"
4. Barella, A., Manich, A.M., and de Castellar, M.D. , The Statistical Distribution of the Nep Size in Raw Cotton Stocks According to the Uster AFIS N System, in "Proc. 21st International Cotton Conference," Bremen, 1992, pp. 165-172.