1. Department of Special Education at the University of
Wisconsin in Oshkosh
A national survey to determine the topical content coverage of exceptional children and youth curriculum in institutes of higher education sought to determine what preparation is included for preservice regular education teachers. A total of 172 completed surveys (60% response rate) were returned from col leges and universities that prepare teachers in all 50 states. Of the 15 topical content areas listed, respondents ranked characteristics of exceptional children, mainstreaming issues and practices, facilitating positive attitudes toward exceptional children, and special education procedures as the four most heavily emphasized topic areas in their courses. The least heavily emphasized topic areas were assessment practices, history of special education, and data collection procedures. At least two thirds of the courses reflected a predominantly categorical focus. Finally, when comparing Pearson correlations of the topical areas between categorical and noncategorical approaches, differences in emphasis were noted in the areas of characteristics, definirions, causes of disabilitfes, and history of special education. Each of these four topic areas tendgd to be emphasized to a greater extent in the categorically oriented courses. Overall, the results indicate that prospective regular education teachers are not being adequatety prepared to fulfill the educational mandates of REI.
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17 articles.