1. Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
We can correctly recognize the content of an image by presenting all of the elements within a limited time, such as in a slit view or a divided painting image. It is important to clarify how temporally divided information is integrated and perceived to understand the temporal properties of the information-processing mechanism of visual systems. Previous studies related to this topic have often used two-dimensional pictorial stimuli; however, few have considered the temporal integration of binocular disparity for the recognition of objects defined with disparity. In this study, we examined image recognition properties based on the temporal integration of binocular disparity, by comparing that based on the temporal integration of luminance. The effect of element onset asynchrony (the time lag among presented elements) was somewhat similar between disparity and luminance with respect to randomly divided elements. On the other hand, under slit-vision conditions, the tolerance range of spatiotemporal integration for luminance stimuli was much wider than that for disparity stimuli. These results indicate that the temporal integration mechanism in localized areas is common to disparity and luminance, but that for global motion shows differences between the two mechanisms. Thus, we conclude that global motion has little contribution to the temporal integration of binocular disparity information for image recognition.