The Primary Motor and Premotor Areas of the Human Cerebral Cortex


Chouinard Philippe A.1,Paus Tomáš2


1. Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; CIHR Group on Action and Perception, Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

2. Brain & Body Centre, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;


Brodmann's cytoarchitectonic map of the human cortex designates area 4 as cortex in the anterior bank of the precentral sulcus and area 6 as cortex encompassing the precentral gyrus and the posterior portion of the superior frontal gyrus on both the lateral and medial surfaces of the brain. More than 70 years ago, Fulton proposed a functional distinction between these two areas, coining the terms primary motor areafor cortex in Brodmann area 4 and premotor areafor cortex in Brodmann area 6. The parcellation of the cortical motor system has subsequently become more complex. Several nonprimary motor areas have been identified in the brain of the macaque monkey, and associations between anatomy and function in the human brain are being tested continuously using brain mapping techniques. In the present review, the authors discuss the unique properties of the primary motor area (M1), the dorsal portion of the premotor cortex (PMd), and the ventral portion of the premotor cortex (PMv). They end this review by discussing how the premotor areas influence M1.


SAGE Publications


Neurology (clinical),General Neuroscience







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