1. Mechanical Engineering Department, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India
The freshmen of the engineering curriculum are trained in the engineering drawing skill set which includes the generation of orthographic projections of any given component. When these freshmen are promoted to the next subsequent academic year, they are ready to learn the generation of three-dimensional computer-aided drawing (CAD) geometric models from the given orthographic projections. In today's postdigital era, the challenges and issues faced by these sophomores in generation of spatially visualized CAD geometric model is discussed in this work. A perceptive visual image of stop valve in a CAD-based environment is formulated, as the stop valves play a major role in product as well as process-oriented industries. The impediments faced by students in generating the spatially visualized CAD geometric model in the postdigital era have been discussed and deliberated at a stretch. Students’ performance assessment before imparting training versus after imparting training in CAD-based geometric modeling skills by employing perceptive visual imagery method is recorded in this work.
Mechanical Engineering,Education