1. Scientific Research Department Engineering and Design Specialized Department «Microprocessor-Based Control Systems and Safety in the Railway Transport» (EDSD MBCSS), Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro, Ukraine
Teaching the basics of a profession to university students and graduates requires the use of intensive training methods to reduce time and increase the efficiency of knowledge acquisition. Railway workers have a special responsibility related to the safety of train traffic. In this regard, appropriate training, retraining, and certification should be provided. For this purpose, it is appropriate to use computer interactive teaching methods that use modern technologies for modeling and simulating the operation of various technical objects of railway transport. For this purpose, it is advisable to use computer interactive teaching methods that use modern technologies for modeling and simulating the operation of various technical objects of railway transport, that is, simulators and computer training programs that allow both training and examination of applicants. The work contains an overview of computer teaching aids for bachelors of railway universities. A description of the beta version of a computer program for studying the predeparture inspection of wagons for the timely detection of damage to rolling stock structures, emergency operation of mechanisms and other emergency situations was presented. A system was proposed for integrating the software product into the educational and professional program “Wagons and wagon facilities” in the Railway Transport specialty.