1. Ad-hoc Working Group (2017) A new unemployment benefit system for the coming labour market - Et nyt dagpengesystem for fremtidens arbejdsmarkedet. Available at: endelig-afrapportering-til-web-pdf.pdf(bm.dk).
2. Barrio A (2021) Social security and platform work: Towards a more transparent and inclusive path. PhD Thesis, Tilburg University. Available at: https://www.instituutgak.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Social_Security_and_Platform_Work.pdf
3. Benefits Commission (Dagpengekommissionen) (2015) Working paper on the system of unemployment benefits for self-employed, freelancers and similar. Available at: dagpengekommissionen 2015.pdf
4. Danish Unemployment Funds (Danske A-kasser) (2021) Evaluation of the reform of unemployment benefits. Available at: Danske A-kasser - Samlet Evaluering af dagpengereformen 2021 inkl. bilag1.pdf