A preclinical ultrasound method for the assessment of vascular disease progression in murine models


Janus Justyna1,Kanber Baris2,Mahbuba Wadhah3,Beynon Charlotte4,Ramnarine Kumar V5,Lambert David G4,Samani Nilesh J4,Stringer Emma J4,Kelly Michael E1


1. Preclinical Imaging Facility, Core Biotechnology Services, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

2. Translational Imaging Group, Department of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College London, London, UK

3. Department of Surgery, University of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq

4. Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

5. Department of Medical Physics, University Hospitals of Leicester Trust, Leicester, UK


Introduction The efficacy of preclinical ultrasound at providing a quantitative assessment of mouse models of vascular disease is relatively unknown. In this study, preclinical ultrasound was used in combination with a semi-automatic image processing method to track arterial distension alterations in mouse models of abdominal aortic aneurysm and atherosclerosis. Methods Longitudinal B-mode ultrasound images of the abdominal aorta were acquired using a preclinical ultrasound scanner. Arterial distension was assessed using a semi-automatic image processing algorithm to track vessel wall motion over the cardiac cycle. A standard, manual analysis method was applied for comparison. Results Mean arterial distension was significantly lower in abdominal aortic aneurysm mice between day 0 and day 7 post-onset of disease (p < 0.01) and between day 0 and day 14 (p < 0.001), while no difference was observed in sham control mice. Manual analysis detected a significant decrease (p < 0.05) between day 0 and day 14 only. Atherosclerotic mice showed alterations in arterial distension relating to genetic modification and diet. Arterial distension was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in Ldlr−/− (++/−−) mice fed high-fat western diet when compared with both wild type (++/++) mice and Ldlr−/− (++/−−) mice fed chow diet. The manual method did not detect a significant difference between these groups. Conclusions Arterial distension can be used as an early marker for the detection of arterial disease in murine models. The semi-automatic analysis method provided increased sensitivity to differences between experimental groups when compared to the manual analysis method.


SAGE Publications


Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Radiological and Ultrasound Technology

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