1. Endnotes on the letter and book. Sherrington’s letter was sent to Mr. Thomas H. Graham (1879–1962), Royal College of Physicians’ Library, Edinburgh. He is one of a score of people acknowledged in the preface of The Endeavour of Jean Fernel, 1946 and was the Librarian of the RCPL 1909–1950, according to Ms Estela Dukan, Assistant Librarian, RCPL. I surmise that Graham inserted his letter from Sherrington in this volume and donated it to the Library at Edinburgh. It ended up at the Library in London, where it was de-accessed, as indicated by the stamp: “Withdraw”. – Bookplate: Library of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh Oval stamp: Charing Cross Hospital Medical School Library (London) On reverse of title page: “Withdraw” … elsewhere: “ex lib”.
2. Anon. WW II maps show Hitler’s bombing targets in Ipswich, 2011. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-15834394 (accessed 11 February 2019).
3. Anon. Wikipedia Ipswich, 2018, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipswich (accessed 11 February 2019).
4. Sherrington
5. Eccles JC. (op cit. Ref. 4): 257.