1. Burns CR. Oslerians Gather in Galveston, April 1970. University of Texas Medical Branch, Blocker History of Medicine Collection, Moody Medical Library. Institute for the Medical Humanities Records (1969–1983); MS79; Box 2, File 15.
2. Roland CG. The formative years of the American Osler Society. The persisting Osler III selected transactions of the American Osler Society 1991–2000.Malabar, FL:Krieger Publishing Company, 2002, pp.189–201.
3. McGovern JP. Introductory notes to Humanism in Medicine Symposium, April 21, 1970. John P. McGovern Papers at John P. McGovern Historical Collections and Research Center, Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, MS115; Box 1, File 3.
4. History of medicine collections and archives Vanderbilt University libraries. Personal communication, 2019.