1. Department of Applied Mechanics/CHARMEC, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2. Epsilon, Göteborg, Sweden
3. Faiveley Transport, Landskrona, Sweden
Tread braking of railway wheels results in the kinetic energy of the train being dissipated into the wheel and blocks in the form of heat. This heat is further conducted into adjacent structures, notably the cold rail, and also transferred into the surroundings by convection and radiation. Heat partitioning between wheel and block is, for short time periods, controlled by local thermal interactions at the contact point and by the conductive properties of the bodies. However, for a metro train that performs longer periods of intermittent braking (or for drag braking) convective and radiation cooling properties of the components come into play. In the present study, results from brake rig tests and from in-field testing of a metro train are presented and used to calibrate a simulation model. It is found that the cooling level of the wheels of the metro train is substantially lower than for the wheels of a freight wagon. Moreover, it is found that the first axle on the metro train is exposed to higher cooling levels than the remaining axles. In a numerical example, temperatures of tread braked wheels are calculated using the new findings for a metro train, and the results obtained are compared with wheel temperatures as calculated assuming freight wagon conditions.
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15 articles.