Legal systems abuse and coercive control


Douglas Heather1


1. University of Queensland, Australia


This article considers how legal engagement can be an opportunity to exercise coercive control over a former intimate partner. Drawing on interviews with 65 women who engaged with the legal system as a result of violence in their intimate relationships, this article explores how women’s engagement with the legal system is frequently experienced as an extension of an intimate partner’s coercive control. It builds on existing research showing how legal processes provide an opportunity for perpetrators to continue and even expand their repertoire of coercive and controlling behaviours post-separation. I refer to this as legal systems abuse. This article explores women’s reported experiences and considers how expectations of equality of access to justice and fair hearing; concepts that underpin legal processes, can be reconciled with legal engagements that seek to end coercive and controlling behaviours. The article concludes that improved understanding of domestic and family violence as coercive control by legal actors may help to circumvent the opportunities for legal systems abuse.


SAGE Publications



Reference53 articles.

1. AIJA (Australian Institute of Judicial Administration) (2016) National domestic and family violence bench book. Available at:

2. ALRC (Australian Law Reform Commission) (2010) Family violence: A national legal response. Report for the Australian Law Reform Commission and New South Wales Law Reform Commission. Report no. 114.

3. Baron v Walsh [2014] WASCA 124.

4. Shades of Grey – Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Women

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