1. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
2. Catholic University of Applied Sciences, Freiburg, Germany
Transitioning to adulthood is a complex and challenging process for youth with complex communication needs (CCN) and/or who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This scoping review examined and consolidated available evidence documenting transition barriers and facilitators. Eight databases were searched systematically using complex communications needs/augmentative and alternative communication, transition programs, and adulthood as key terms. Participants aged 14–35 years and interventions focused on transition to occupations, including education, employment, leisure pursuits, or socializing/relationships. The search yielded 3459 records, which were screened by three independent raters. Twenty-three articles met the inclusion criteria. Studies focused primarily on employment ( n =18), postsecondary education ( n = 10), and socializing/relationships ( n = 13). Programs experience and outcomes varied. Enabling factors included organizations, transition-focused programs, and social networks. Barriers included low expectations, lack of programs/supports, and limited literacy skills. Future studies must include richer descriptions of programs/services and participants, while more work is required to explore long-term outcomes.