1. San Jacinto Unified School District, San Jacinto, CA, USA
2. California State University, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Check-in/Check-Out (CICO) has a long line of research evidence demonstrating its effectiveness in increasing prosocial behavior. The current paper demonstrated an electronic application of CICO utilizing Google Sheets® with teacher feedback. Google Sheets® offers an inexpensive, collaborative, and remote method for tracking behaviors. In the first study, 2,322 teacher ratings (from 38 teachers) were compared between traditional paper CICO forms or electronic Google Sheets®. Results found that teacher ratings were significantly more complete with the use of the electronic forms. In the second study, an electronic CICO form was used for progress monitoring and performance feedback with a middle school student. Through the form we were able to successfully track our participant’s behavior change in response to CICO with the combination of feedback and a differential reinforcement intervention. Social validity showed that overall teacher ratings were high with respect to ease of use, usefulness, cost-effectiveness, and convenience of the electronic Google Sheets®.
Computer Science Applications,Education