1. From Rosen Cosmetic Surgery (Dr Rosen), Doylestown, PA, and Inland Cosmetic Surgery (Dr Haiavy), Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Objective: To investigate the novel use of adjustable saline breast implants via the transumbilical approach for breast asymmetry. Methods: A retrospective review of medical records of 8 patients who underwent breast augmentation via the transumbilical approach utilizing the adjustable saline implant. Variables reviewed included age of patients, reason for procedure selection, mean number of postimplantation volume changes, range of volume change, and follow-up time. Results: The patients' mean age was 26.3 years. The most common reason for selection of adjustable saline implants was breast and chest wall asymmetry. The mean number of postimplant volume adjustments was 1.33, with a mean addition of 32.5 mL (range of −20 mL to −150 mL). Mean follow-up time was 8 months. Conclusion: Transumbilical placement of adjustable saline breast implants is a reliable technique for use in cases of asymmetry, avoiding scars on the breast and maintaining a remote insertion site.