Anthony A,Dolber P C,Romanosky A J
Feulgen deoxyribonucleic acid cytophotometry of Papanicolaou destained specimens revealed a differential loss in Feulgen reactivity among human buccal and cervical smears, cultured embryonic lung fibroblasts and invasive cervical carcinoma cells. Loss in Feulgen reactivity in Papanicolaou destained fibroblasts and polyploid nuclei of malignant lesions was observed to result in underestimates of relative Feulgen deoxyribonucleic acid and nuclear area values using scanning integrating microdensitometry. Thus, Papanicolaou stained preparations may not be suitable for deoxyribonucleic acid quantification of high ploidy lesions since distributional absorption error is unpredictably influenced by such factors as ploidy level, nuclear size, chromatin dispersion and differential aldehyde loss during destaining. Feulgen deoxyribonucleic acid cytophotometry of Papanicolaou stained preparations can be useful for differentiating benign from malignant lesions if extent of aneuploidy (as reflected in abnormal deoxyribonucleic acid frequency distribution profile) is used as a diagnostic indicator.
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