Finding Your Feedback Fit: Strategies for Designing and Delivering Performance Feedback Systems


Barton Erin E.1,Kinder Kiersten2,Casey Amy M.3,Artman Kathleen M.4


1. University of Colorado Denver,

2. Vanderbilt University

3. Siskin Children's Institute

4. The Ohio State University


LaRaisha had spent several extra hours throughout the week preparing her sroom for today, when her n ty supervisor, Gladys, came for evaluation. She knew that she s a good teacher, but it was still v e-wracking to have someone m e and watch her. As she sat o ss from Gladys during naptime, R aisha held her breath as she k ed through her evaluation and all the rows of check boxes r ked “satisfactory.” Truthfully, s e forms never seemed to have a c k box for what she really n ted help with in her classroom, h as how to implement all those a t ideas from the workshops she attended over the summer and w to help Fletcher, the little boy h er room who has autism, n sition between activities without a v i ng a tantrum. Was she doing those things right? What could she do differently? With Gladys coming in only once a year, there seemed to be no one to talk to about these things. After the evaluation was finished, LaRaisha sighed. Another evaluation came and went without any real professional growth . . . just a lot of paperwork. What else could she do?


SAGE Publications


Developmental and Educational Psychology,Education

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