Best-Practice Recommendations for Producers, Evaluators, and Users of Methodological Literature Reviews


Aguinis Herman1ORCID,Ramani Ravi S.2ORCID,Alabduljader Nawaf3ORCID


1. Department of Management, School of Business, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA

2. Department of Business Administration, Earl G. Graves School of Business and Management, Morgan State University, MD, USA

3. Department of Management and Marketing, College of Business Administration, Kuwait University, Kuwait


We categorized and content-analyzed 168 methodological literature reviews published in 42 management and applied psychology journals. First, our categorization uncovered that the majority of published reviews (i.e., 85.10%) belong in three categories (i.e., critical, narrative, and descriptive reviews), which points to opportunities and promising directions for additional types of methodological literature reviews in the future (e.g., meta-analytic and umbrella reviews). Second, our content analysis uncovered implicit features of published methodological literature reviews. Based on the results of our content analysis, we created a checklist of actionable recommendations regarding 10 components to include to enhance a methodological literature review’s thoroughness, clarity, and ultimately, usefulness. Third, we describe choices and judgment calls in published reviews and provide detailed explications of exemplars that illustrate how those choices and judgment calls can be made explicit. Overall, our article offers recommendations that are useful for three methodological literature review stakeholder groups: producers (i.e., potential authors), evaluators (i.e., journal editors and reviewers), and users (i.e., substantive researchers interested in learning about a particular methodological issue and individuals tasked with training the next generation of scholars).


SAGE Publications


Management of Technology and Innovation,Strategy and Management,General Decision Sciences

Reference8 articles.

1. Creswell J. W., Plano Clark V. L. (2011). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (2nd ed). Sage Publications.

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